About Dr. Passport

Dr. Passport


Dr. Passport app in useTranslates medical information

As a communication tool, the app can translate medical history and symptom information instantaneously.

Comprehensive symptom input

Specify symptoms by bodily region, severity, duration etc. Choose from over 2000 symptoms.

Medical phrasebook

Ask for assistance from medical professionals, accommodation staff and others using over 150 voiced phrases.

Dr. Passport app in usePersonal medical record

Use the app to store medical history, vaccination and other important information before you travel.

Works offline

Avoid high overseas data charges and use in Wi-Fi free environments.
accessing external website links within the app will require an internet connection

Send input data by email

Translated data can be emailed to medical facilities or home computers for printing.

Multilingual support

Switch instantaneously between any of the installed languages. English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Portuguese, Thai, Indonesian, Vietnamese and Malay

Who is the app for?

  • Tourists
  • Business travelers
  • Expats
  • Those working overseas and their families
  • Exchange students
  • Medical professionals
  • Supervisors of foreign visitors